DJ Williams Projekt

This Event has no scheduled dates at this time. It last occurred on Sunday, July 5, 2015.
Outer Banks Brewing Station, DJ Williams Projekt
Event Description: 

D.J. Williams (born November 6, 1981) is an American guitarist, singer songwriter, and producer. DJ was born Donald Jeffrey Ilory Williams, Jr; in Plainfield, NJ. DJ grew up in Richmond, VA.

DJ is the founder of the funky Richmond based band, DJ Williams Projekt; hip-hop/R&B group, The Breaks; acoustic duo, Williams & Jones; and guitarist for San Diego’s critically acclaimed group, Karl Denson’s Tiny Universe. Since starting a full time music career in 2001 DJ has toured the globe from small rock venues to large prestigious music festivals in the US, Canada, and Europe. Williams signed a record contract in 2005 with Harmonized Records and later released on his own label, Projekt Records.

DJ is now recording his own licensing music under Projekt Produktions. Check out more on DJ Williams Projekt website.

The young guitarist has had the pleasure of sharing the stage with John Legend, Dave Matthews Band, Sharon Jones & The Dap Kings, Soulive, Levon Helm, Citizen Cope, Robert Randolph, Slick Rick, and many many more. With an emphasis on compelling melody, refined songwriting, and an extremely diverse musical palette, DJ Williams strives to push new boundaries as an up and coming guitar player. Just don’t let the name confuse you, because this musician is laying out grooves any “D.J.” would love to sample!

Age limit: 
21 and up

Where is the event?

Outer Banks Brewing Station (See address and directions on the rightbelow)

Outer Banks Brewing Station

600 S. Croatan Highway
The Bypass, MP 8.5
Kill Devil Hills
(252) 449-2739