Fat Blackfins and a Wahoo

Tuesday, September 27, 2022
Offshore from Oregon Inlet
Inshore from Oregon Inlet
Corolla to Nags Head Piers
Corolla to Nags Head Surf
Corolla to Nags Head Sound
Offshore from Hatteras Inlet
Inshore from Hatteras Inlet
Hatteras Piers
Hatteras Surf
Hatteras Sound
Offshore from Ocracoke Inlet
Inshore from Ocracoke Inlet
Ocracoke Surf
Ocracoke Sound
friends from Virginia Beach on board today, supposed to fish three days this week, but the weather only allowed us to go today.
Slow start but we finally got on some fish, a nice class of blackfins, three citations over 20#.
Last line in the water Toby caught a wahoo.
Thanks guys