On the Jig!

Bite Me Sportfishing Charters, ON the Jig!
Saturday, January 21, 2017
Offshore from Oregon Inlet
Offshore from Hatteras Inlet
Offshore from Ocracoke Inlet

Had some fellows from up Virginia way that fish with us on a regular basis.

They prefer to vertical jig for tunas and we have had some great days in the past!

Looked far and wide but could only get on the jacks, sharks and albacores, managing to catch a single blackfin on the jigs.

Ran up the beach to where there was a bite on the troll, and after still not finding a concentration of fish thick enough to vertical jig we hastily threw out the ballyhoos for the last bit of the day.

managed to scrap out a few yellowfins.

Pretty day in January!