Don't slack off on your fitness routine while you're on vacation. On the Outer Banks this summer you can find free yoga and fitness classes several days a week. There's no need to register. Just show up with a mat, towel or blanket, water and sun protection (hat, sunglasses, sunscreen). Dress for warm weather. These events are held outdoors in good weather. If the weather looks iffy, check the websites provided to see if class is on or if it's cancelled.
If you're looking for a place to workout or practice yoga, in this blog you'll find a rundown of businesses on the Outer Banks that offer ways to do that. Whether you want an indoor gym or studio experience or a private yoga or fitness class on the beach or at your location, there is something for you here. Stay focused on your goals, stay hydrated and stay fit while you're on vacation.
Free Outdoor Classes Summer 2023
Nags Head
Dowdy Park
Thanks to Coastal Carolina Vacations, there are free fitness classes each week in Dowdy Park, 3005 S. Croatan Highway in Nags Head. nagsheadnc.gov/614/dowdy-park-events
Yoga in the Park / Fitness in the Park - Tuesdays 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. (through October 31)
Fitness Fridays - Fridays 7:30 to 8:15 am (through July 28) - Tai Chi, Pilates or Core Balance and Strength
On the Beach
Outer Banks Hospital sponsors free yoga classes on the beach at Jennette’s Pier, 7223 S. Virginia Dare Trail in Nags Head. outerbankshealth.org/events
Namaste at the Beach – Tuesdays 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. (through August 29)
Duck Town Park
The Town of Duck and several sponsors offer free classes at Duck Town Park, 1200 Duck Road, Duck. townofduck.com/events
Stretch and Safety with a Lifeguard – Mondays 8 to 8:30 a.m. (through July 24) sponsored by Duck Surf Rescue.
All levels class combining yoga and safety tips for the ocean taught by a Duck lifeguard.
Yoga on the Green – Tuesdays 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. (through September 26)
All levels yoga class led by Duck Village Yoga, with breathwork and meditation. Sponsored by Village Realty
Dynamic Flow – Wednesdays 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. (through September 27)
All levels playful fitness and calisthenics class with OBX Fitness Collective. Sponsored by Ducks Cottage Coffee & Books and Downtown Books.
Historic Corolla Park
Yoga is held in the beautiful soundside setting at Whalehead in Historic Corolla Park, 1160 Village Lane, Corolla, visitcurrituck.com/events
Yoga in the Park – Thursdays 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. (through September 7)
Outer Banks Yoga Studios and Gyms
Corolla Yoga (beach classes), Corolla, corollancyoga.com
Duck Village Yoga, Duck, duckvillageoga.com
Outer Banks Yoga, Kitty Hawk, outerbanksyoga.com
Kind Yoga, Kill Devil Hills, kindyogaobx.com
Ascension Studio, Kill Devil Hills, ascensionobx.com
Ashtanga Yoga Outer Banks (private classes), ashtangayogaobx.com
OBX Hot Yoga, Nags Head, obxhotyogastudio.com
Nags Head Beach Yoga (beach classes), nagsheadbeachyoga.com
Lighthouse Studio, Manteo, lighthouse-obx.com
Community Yoga, Frisco, obxcommuityyoga.com
Ocracoke Island Yoga, ocracokeislandyoga.com
Pine Island Racquet and Fitness Center, Corolla, pineislandnc.com
Momentum Fitness, Kitty Hawk, momentumobx.com
The Gym, Kitty Hawk, theobxgym.com
Outer Banks Fitness Collective, Kitty Hawk, obxfitnesscollective.com
CrossFit Outer Banks, Kill Devil Hills, crossfitouterbanks.com
Sea Core Pilates and Barre, Kill Devil Hills, sea-core-pilates-and-barre.business.site
Outer Banks Sports Club, Nags Head, obxsportsclub.com
Outer Banks Family YMCA, Nags Head, ymcashr.org
OBX Fitcations – beach bootcamps, obxfitcations.com
Roanoke Island Fitness Lab, Manteo, rifitnesslab.com
Raise the Bar Fitness & Gym, Avon, facebook.com/raisethebaravon
The Fort Strength and Fitness, Frisco, thefortstrengthandfitness.com
Angie’s Gym, Ocracoke, angiesgym.gymdesk.com