Playground Safety
NC Child Care Playground Safety Training aims to provide you with homes providers licensed to care for all the necessary knowledge and tools to ensure that your outdoor learning environment will meet North Carolina Division of Child Development and Early Education requirements and provide your children a safe and fun environment. playground safety hazards, supervision, and general upkeep of the outdoor area. It is required for all licensed child care centers, but important information for family child care home providers as well.
Presenter: Bonnie Brumbeloe, Early Education Manager
Contact Hours: 2 DCDEE Credits
Please plan to arrive 15 minutes in advance & dress for outdoor activity.
To register and pay for a training, click here.
If you are already registered for a training and only need to pay, click here.
If you are unable to pay for your training online, please submit payment by mail or in person to Children & Youth Partnership for Dare County, 534 Ananias Dare Street, Manteo, NC 27954.
Registration and Payment for this training must be received no later than Friday, October 18th to confirm registration.