20th Annual Coastal Gardening Festival
The Dare Master Gardener Volunteer Association is holding its Coastal Gardening Festival. The highlight of the festival is the huge plant sale, featuring a wide variety of plants grown by local Master Gardeners, including trees, shrubs, perennials, annuals, vegetables, and house plants. There will also be over 50 artisan vendors offering garden art, pottery, refreshments, and a wide variety of hand-crafted items.
There will be plenty of fun things for the kids. The “Ask a Master Gardener” booth will be available to answer your gardening questions as well as provide information about the plants you may purchase. The Dare Master Gardener educational booth will highlight information on the wonderful world of roots! Don’t miss stopping by the Dare County Extension booth to learn about workshops, camps, and programs coming up this year. Visitors to the Festival may take a self-guided walking tour of the Arboretum, where they will discover many flowering and native plants that thrive on the Outer Banks.
There is something for everyone to enjoy. The festival will be held rain or shine. Admission is free.
All proceeds from the event benefit the Arboretum and the education and outreach programs of the Dare County Extension Master Gardener Volunteers, in association with North Carolina Cooperative Extension, Dare County. For more information, call the Dare County Extension office at (252) 475.9245