3 Sailfish

Hatteras Harbor Marina, 3 Sailfish
Monday, October 9, 2023
Offshore from Hatteras Inlet
Inshore from Hatteras Inlet

It was a beautiful day on the blue water today. The Offshore boats had an excellent Wahoo day along with some King Mackerel and a few Blackfin Tuna. Hatteras Fever II released 3 Sailfish. The Inshore boats had another good day of Bluefish catching. They also had Red Drum and Sheepshead.

Hopefully, the nice weather will continue for the rest of the week and the fish stick around.


Jeffrey Kalinich of Cumberland, MD released 2 Sailfish on Hatteras Fever II

Robert Waters of Winnabow, NC released a Sailfish on Hatteras Fever II

Hatteras Harbor Marina

58058 Hwy. 12
Hatteras Village
(252) 986-2166