Emile Pandolfi With Dana Russell

This Event has no scheduled dates at this time. It last occurred on Saturday, February 17, 2018.
Outer Banks Forum, Emile Pandolfi with Dana Russell
Event Description: 

Savor the sophisticated sounds of pianist Emile Pandolfi and vocalist Dana Russell as they bring their show of piano, passion, emotion, entertainment, bewitching arrangements of beautiful ballads, rich and sumptuous medleys and musical memories to the Outer Banks. A mainstay of performing arts series across the country, Emile Pandolfi and his radiant vocalist Dana Russell create a relaxed, inviting “living room” where admiration and shared experience between artist and audience is rarely equaled. 

Ticket purchase required
$28 per person, $15 for students

Where is the event?

Outer Banks Forum (See address and directions on the rightbelow)