Corolla Fish Report

Rotten September! I have been a little lack on reports as of late but there is just nothing to report. This has to be one of the worst Septembers I have seen. It started out with a bang but since that big rain storm we had it has basically just shut the fishing down. Yes, there are fish being caught but not what we are used to seeing and we have had weeks of rough and high surf contributing to the problem. The only positive thing is it can't get any worse it can only get better so I am hoping for a great October fingers crossed. The good news for today is we finally have a wind change for today and tomorrow from the south east instead of that north east wind that just won't go away so a bit of good news now we just have to see if this picks up the fishing. It was still taking 8oz to hold yesterday hopefully it's better today. The piers have had some good moments then shuts down but they are at least getting some fish from them yesterday reports of ribbonfish, mullet, blues, pigs and pinfish but no drum? Boater reports are flat as the weather is just not letting the boats get out of the inlet so anyone fishing has been to the inside and there is some great trout fishing to be had and our charter in Corolla has been getting plenty of keeper drum. For now, that's all I have we will see what if anything I can pick up from the beach today.
We do have sound side charters available.
If you catch a fish and take a picture you can send it into and we will proudly post it in the next fishing report!!