Corolla Fish Report

You would think that I had something to give you! We do not have a rip current today which is the first time since early September. One to two foot waves and the ocean is calm but I do wonder for how long as the winds will be back for the next few days so we will see if that helps the fishing or not. It has been a very weird fall season this year to say the least as the fishing has been slow. We have seen some nice drum but few and far between along with some mullet, croaker and spot with a trout here and there. Todays pic sent in by Dain and he is kayak fishing on the sound side and there are fish over there. Good drum fishing along with trout and catfish for the most part can be caught over there right now. The piers are catching some fish kind of a mixed bag for now. Offshore the tuna are there with mahi and marlin. I hope to get some news in the shop so I can pass it along.
Charters are available depending on the weather.
Send any fishing photos to and we thank you.