Corolla Fish Report

Oh, where to begin? We do have a windy and rainy start to the day along with rough surf but then again maybe I should say more of the same. The fishing continues to be frustrating as the fish just aren't biting but they have been seen by many. Brendan our surf fishing instructor was out yesterday and landed a 10# bluefish in Carova but said those fish were holding at least 100 yards out with smaller ones in closer but only hitting bait not lures. Jennette's Pier updated their report this afternoon and they did get a few fish with what looks like one large drum a puppy drum some trout, spot, and flounder. There are people getting some fish but this has not been the fall fishing we all wait for each year it has been a tough one this year. All we can do is take what we get or what the fishing gods choose to give us.