Corolla Fish Report
It's about time I know. I usually put out daily reports and I can honestly say I just can't seem to get caught up. Where to begin, the surf up here is slow the only things I have heard of are your favorite and mine good old skate. I know not too exciting and I am pretty sure there will be sharks out there as well for you shark guys. Had one customer in this morning fishing all the way down at Hatteras and there were some good size sharks caught around to 100 lbs. Had a charter that was to go out yesterday for inshore fishing to give me some kind of idea on what might be happening on the inside, but it never made it out. Ocean temp is 50 today and 57 on the inside, so the ocean is up a couple of degrees which is a good thing. Ideally, 60 to 70-degree water is what we look for. There are tuna on the offshore charters right now and that will be the biggest bang for your buck.
A big shout out to Derick Brown from NY I believe and his son which I didn't get a name but dad wanted to have his son catch something and the skate came through. He was nice enough to come by the shop as they were leaving for a fish report and he also sent us this pic which we love to get, so thank you, Derick.
If you have pictures you want to see in a report just send them into and we will proudly post them. Don't forget to give us your name and where you are from