Corolla Fish Report

The word off the beach today is there was puppy drum all over Kitty Hawk and Nag's Head yesterday and there were so many you could see them in the water all you needed to do is throw a jig out there and it was game on. Now I know that these fish are south of us but it's just a matter of time before we see them. We did have reports of some tailor bluefish and mullet on our beaches yesterday and there is a lot of bait in the water and these drum will follow it up so with any luck Easter week could be on fire. Sunday threw Tuesday we will have some fairly heavy wind but the rest of the week is looking pretty good so be ready!! Charter boats hitting drum in the bay with shad and bluefish. Offshore boats had wahoo, yellowfin, blackfin, albacore, and lots of catch and release sea bass. So a big improvement over what we have been seeing.
The charter desk is open but we will be closed on Friday for personal reasons which is not the norm but I just don't have any other choice. We will be in on Saturday if you need to get a hold of someone you can leave a message at the shop or send an e-mail and I will get back to you. Thanks and I will keep you up to date as best as I can.