Corolla Fish Report

What could possibly make this day any nicer than it is, answer the fish are biting, it just doesn't get any better than this. Calm wind with some decent waves makes for good fishing and we had reports this morning with a stellar black drum and trout bite going on. There will be other fish out there but it's nice to see some good action going on so if you're still driving on the road you didn't get up early enough. Joel sent in his pic this morning he is having a great time this week. The piers have a good crowd on them today and Jennette's reported a 44" big red and a 28" puppy with Spanish, blues, spot, and black drum. Nearshore boats have triggerfish, sea bass, bonita, Spanish, and blues. The offshore action has tuna, wahoo, some mahi, and billfish. Sunday and Monday should be good days then we cool off unfortunately so get out and enjoy.
Charters are available just give me a call.
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