This free outdoor Juneteenth concert is being held to celebrate the end of slavery in America. The Cookhouse Museum honors the history of Keeper Richard Etheridge, who grew up enslaved on Roanoke Island and became the nation’s first African Keeper in the US Life-Saving Service. The historic all-black station he commanded, Station Pea Island, is the only station in the history of the LSS with an all-black crew. Tshombe Selby, who made his debut as a tenor soloist at Carnegie Hall and now performs at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York, will sing spirituals and other songs to highlight freedom.
The event is also to encourage membership, volunteers, and donations for the Pea Island Preservation Society, Inc., (PISPI) a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that promotes the history of Keeper Richard Etheridge and the Pea Island Lifesavers. PIPSI is holding the event in collaboration with the Don and Catherine Bryan Cultural Series and with support from Towne Bank, Island Xpertees and Outer Banks Dreams Realty. The Cookhouse Museum is located at 622 Sir Walter Raleigh Street in Manteo.