A Christmas Poem!

Sunday, December 27, 2020
Offshore from Oregon Inlet
Inshore from Oregon Inlet

'Twas two days after Christmas and all through the ocean - Not a creature was stirring or causing commotion.  But two of our boats went out on the water to see if they could find what was the matter.  Offshore went one boat, out on a mission,  to catch some big tuna while they were out fishin'.  When what to their wondering eyes should appear but a limit of yellowfin anglers hold dear!  Then out in the inlet went T-Time for Striper.  Alex Callas and his son might have been hyper.  They'd been a part for over a year and couldn't wait to fish while they're here.  A limit they caught - Wow, what a dinner!  Rockfish Galore - they felt like a winner!  The Anglers exclaimed as they pulled into sight - Merry Christmas!  Great fishing!  And to all a good night!  Want to get in on the action?  Give us a call at (252)473-3906 or book online - we'll hook you up!

Pirate's Cove Marina

2000 Sailfish Dr.
(252) 473-3906