Giant Bluefin!
Shew y'all, I am all about experiencing the four seasons, but only when they are in order! It was like summer just a few days ago and them BOOM we get snow and a north wind that blew for days! Thankfully, the boys were able to make it out today. Congratulations to the captain and crew on the Waste Knot for sticking their Giant Bluefin Tuna! Also, were a few Yellowfin Tuna brought to the docks. There will be plenty of full coolers leaving the Marina this afternoon! Hopefully, the blow is over and we will be able to get some consistent fishing in. The dog days of Winter are almost over and I for one cannot wait until the docks are full of people and the boxes are full of meat!
The books are starting to fill up! Be sure to come see us in the Ship's Store, give us a call at 252.473.3906, or visit us online at to book your trip today!