Tuesday Fishing Report

Things are beginning to heat up in our Coastal Angler Tournament Series! We had a handful of fish weighed this week including our first entry in a bonus point category, a Blowtoad caught by Evan Gurtis. The Fall Trout Tournament portion of the Series ends in just 4 days, and the winners will be awarded their Prizes at the Oyster Roast on Saturday November 19th! The Series is still anyones game with some species having no entries yet. Stop by the shop and sign up today!
Surf fishing was pretty good yesterday. We had reports of Trout, Drum, Sea Mullet, and Blowtoads here in town. Down south at the point there was a handful of Big Drum, Puppy Drum, and Bluefish. With the wind forecast for the next few days surf fishing will be tough, we recommend fishing the south facing beaches south of Ramp 44.
The northern piers reported good amounts of Spot, Sea Mullet, Blowtoads, and small Trout yesterday. The southern piers had reports of Big Drum, Spot, Sea Mullet, and plenty of Sharks.
Soundside fishing has been on fire with lots of Speckled Trout, Puppy Drum, Striper, Bluefish, and Flounder. Captain Ben Morris of SaltywatersOBX had an awesome day Sunday, with some nice keeper Drum and Speckled Trout. If you want to get in on the awesome sound fishing action give him a call!