An Adventure Race and Obstacle Course on the Beach
When was the last time you ran down a beautiful beach, jumping over obstacles, crawling through pipes, carrying sandbags, laughing and encouraging yourself and others? Believe it or not, there are at this point hundreds who would answer that, "Why, just last year at the Storm the Beach!" We all probably agree that life is full of obstacles, but the folks who have challenged themselves to be a part of this Outer Banks race seem to approach them differently. They literally tackle them with enthusiasm and vigor! There's something to be learned here. Storm the Beach, Outer Banks Sporting Events' signature late spring event, provides the time and place to meet this challenge your own way.
What kind of obstacles you may ask? Think beach, surf, sand, fun! The #1 obstacle is the sand, where you run the distance and endure creative obstacles made of inner tubes, surfboards, tiki matts, crab pots and more.
Naturally, the ocean is part of this obstacle course. During The Last Dip, participant run from the sand into waist-deep water then go around an anchored buoy and back. The Sea Monster Chase conquers dexterity by testing your agility as you run through 30 giant beach floats. The next challenge is Climbing the Walls, where several walls, some as high as 8 feet tall, are designed to get the members of each team working together. Then it's time to power through The Pipeline! Participants crawl through the sand to the ocean's edge. You get the picture - challenge, adventure, accomplishment and fun!
There are challenges for the kids too. The Turtle Egg Hustle, the Pyramid Toss and the Jellyfish Dig are a few that kids love. They dig, throw and run, all while enjoying the sand, sun and surf.
Billed as an event for teams of two to 20 but open to individuals as well, this beach adventure race and obstacle course has three distances. The 5-miler and 3-miler are timed events, while the .75-miler is designed for families with children (children must be 5 years old to register). Last year, participants of all ages and athletic ability traveled from 20 states and Canada to test their skills and enjoy the fun. Ages ranged from 5-68, with the average age being 42. With more than 600 participants signed up to take the challenge, the starts were in 8-10 minute waves.
The Browns, a family of four from Marion, New York, are exemplary. Calling themselves team Faster than Snails, they travelled 14 hours to celebrate Colby's high school graduation by running the 3-miler together. Colby, who ran track, encouraged the others to join him here in his desire to run a race in all 50 states. This team-oriented adventure race is surely a memory the family will talk about for years to come.
Even if you aren't into this type of activity yourself, you can't come away as a spectator without a smile on your face. You'll see determination personified in sand-covered, sweat-covered and ocean-washed yet satisfied bodies. And, on every single face you'll see a similar smile - one won from completing the race. That's part of the message that OBSE wants to put across: It's not only about winning the race; it's about doing it, and conquering the challenges together.
100% of net proceeds from OBSE events benefit the missions of the Dare Education Foundation and the Outer Banks Relief Foundation.
I had a great time at Storm the Beach 2013. I wore my medal all day Sunday. I thought your team of volunteers and event organizers did a great job -- very friendly, made me feel like I was at home. Would also think this improves the local economy. I bought food, gas and secured lodging for just 12 hours. God bless the Outer Banks.
WOW!!!! Thanks OBSE for a spectacular Storm the Beach. When my teenager looks at me and says, "I can't wait to do this again next year," then you know you have done something right! Thanks for a great Sunday morning at the beach. Storm the Beach was the best time I have ever had while "running," and I use that term loosely! Thanks again to OBSE and to ALL the volunteers who supported us today! You guys rock!!
Storm the Beach
Sunday, June 15th, 2014
This event is sponsored in part by The Outer Banks Visitors Bureau