These are some of the plants that join the Camellias in recognizing that longer, warmer days are soon ahead for us all! Thank goodness. Thought the days are not perfect, ANY excuse to get in the landscape is the best excuse. It's time to plant trees, shrubs, and non-tender plants that can catch on and get settled in a bit before the growing season really kicks off properly. They may not be as showy as the brilliantly colored Camellias, their interest is undeniable and downright outstanding. We keep our nursery stocked with many of these hard to find plants, please come see what is coming along next in the garden and nursery.
These are some of the plants that join the Camellias in recognizing that longer, warmer days are soon ahead for us all! Thank goodness. Thought the days are not perfect, ANY excuse to get in the landscape is the best excuse. It's time to plant trees, shrubs, and non-tender plants that can... See More
These are some of the plants that join the Camellias in recognizing that longer, warmer days are soon ahead for us all! Thank goodness. Thought... See More