Join us tonight for our Friday Night Shrimp Specials!! 🦐 Come on in and grab one of our delicious shrimp dishes while enjoying the festive atmosphere. Enjoy one of our festive cocktails that are sure to make your spirits bright. Live music starts at 7:00 with The Mo-Rons! Grab a friend and jingle on in! We hope to see you!
Reminder: Get your UGLY sweaters out for our contest tomorrow night! @dareedf @the12barsofchristmas
Join us tonight for our Friday Night Shrimp Specials!! 🦐 Come on in and grab one of our delicious shrimp dishes while enjoying the festive atmosphere. Enjoy one of our festive cocktails that are sure to make your spirits bright. Live music starts at 7:00 with The Mo-Rons! Grab a friend and... See More
Join us tonight for our Friday Night Shrimp Specials!! 🦐 Come on in and grab one of our delicious shrimp dishes while enjoying the festive... See More