On this National Employee Appreciation Day, a resounding ovation to our phenomenal crew! From the gregarious front of house to the indefatigable back, from our catering crew to our chefs – you all are the bee’s knees! We’re endlessly grateful for your unparalleled dedication and pizzazz! Thank you for being the crème de la crème! ~ Chef Wes
#champions #bestcrew #dreamteam #teamworkmakesthedreamwork💪
On this National Employee Appreciation Day, a resounding ovation to our phenomenal crew! From the gregarious front of house to the indefatigable back, from our catering crew to our chefs – you all are the bee’s knees! We’re endlessly grateful for your unparalleled dedication and pizzazz! Thank... See More
On this National Employee Appreciation Day, a resounding ovation to our phenomenal crew! From the gregarious front of house to the indefatigable... See More