Outer Banks This Week Blog

Outer Banks information comes in many forms, but there’s no better way to learn it than through conversations with a local. The OuterBanksThisWeek.com blog is that local friend … even if you already live here! Every week, Molly Harrison gives the run down on Outer Banks activities, Outer Banks events, Outer Banks shopping – all the Outer Banks information needed to ensure that you have the best possible experience. And she does it in a conversational way that’s easy to read and entertaining. Outer Banks activities are numerous, and this blog gives you an insider’s scoop to help you plan your day. She leads you to all the Outer Banks events you won’t want to miss – sports, annual functions and holiday festivities. She gives you her input on the most exciting Outer Banks activities – the ones she loves, the ones she thinks you should love. If anything exciting or out-of-the-ordinary is happening during your visit – and there definitely will be something – this blog is your trusty guide to figuring out the whats, whens and wheres.

Nightlife, for example, is detailed here – what band is playing where, which scene is wild, which is chill. Festivals are also described – the ones that are old and loved and the ones that are new and anticipated. The amount of Outer Banks information offered here will keep you busy and in the know. You can find out what would be fun for you, your family or even your pets.

A fun touch of this blog is its conversational element. Hannah Lee always wants to hear from you! In fact, reader input can influence the basis of her next blog’s focus. So if there’s a topic or question you’re craving an answer for, let her know. Sit a spell and read through present and past OuterBanksThisWeek.com blogs. With all the Outer Banks information detailed for you, you’ll be the trusted source to all your friends!

Meet artist Mike Lay, who did this work, at DCAC on Friday.

Offshore or on land

By Molly Harrison | Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Have you been hearing about the orcas that are just off our coast? The charter boats have been seeing them and interacting with them offshore on bluefin tuna fishing trips. * I have always wanted to see ocras and here they are, right here, without having to travel to Alaska or Iceland. * After a couple of drinks at... Read More
Loved that small-town vibe at Kelly's St. Patty's Parade.

Small-town vibe

By Molly Harrison | Monday, March 21, 2011
I love living in a small town. Not to get all Mellencamp on you, but, really, I love that everywhere I go I see someone I know and like. * I love running into friends or acquaintances at the park, at the library, at the grocery store, the bank, at yoga class, running in the woods, wherever I go. * I love how word gets... Read More
Taken in winter. At the Y Polar Plunge. Which is Saturday.

Stepping into spring...

By Molly Harrison | Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Good news: The osprey are back. I first spotted one setting up its nest over the Currituck Sound a couple of weeks ago, and I've been seeing more ever since. Osprey sightings and highly unpredictable weather are signs that spring is on its way. Great news: We all know that the first day of spring is on Sunday, right?... Read More
Enjoy the N.C. Marionette Theater on Friday and Saturday.

I suwannee, would you look at that fire?

By Molly Harrison | Monday, March 7, 2011
The best attended event on the Outer Banks last weekend had to be the burning down of the old Windmill Point Restaurant building in Nags Head. It was a scheduled training exercise, and word sure got out about it. A friend called me that morning and said to get down there, it was a bigger spectator event than the... Read More
Imagine Union occupation of Roanoke Island at Island Farm.

Turning the corner

By Molly Harrison | Monday, February 28, 2011
March has rolled right in and I'm glad to see it. March 1 always feels like turning a major corner into spring, even though I know it's still winter for 20 more days. * Just knowing that it's March makes me long to get my hands in the dirt - clear out the weed beds and get some veggies and flowers growing. That's what... Read More