Greetings, all!
Does it seem to you that time passes faster lately? I swear, just a twist in time ago it was Memorial Day weekend with the promise of sun, waves and the easy living of summer (well, that is, unless you work to make sure all of our visitors have a fabulous time, right?!). And now, here it is autumn on the Outer Banks with 2017 more than half over. Wow. I know that so many parents felt this pang of warp speed as they sent their little ones off to their first day of school or, even more panging, to college however far away. Around the land, we could hear you exclaiming, “How did we get here so fast? How are they possibly old enough to be doing this on their own?” I was thinking about this as it relates to so many of the businesses that make up this issue. I bet it’s astounding to the Brewing Station owners that they’ve been bringing us innovative beer and food for 16 years already! What about the Sea Ranch, which has hugged its oceanfront location since 1963 – that’s more than 50 years that have passed! Tranquil House/1587 . . . 24 years. Joe Lamb Realty . . . 50 years as well. Stack’em High . . . 36 years. Even some of our “younger” businesses, such as Nest or the Sanderling Resort, are well- established as long-time members of the Outer Banks scene. And, if all you owners/managers could speak here, I’m imagining you’d mostly say . . . where has the time gone? We here at are even scratching our heads a little over the fact that this is our fifth fall issue of the magazine! I know the adage Time Passes Fast When You’re Having Fun is at work here in many ways. But the truth is that all of you businesses with any longevity have remained steady through good times and hard times. You are the backbone of the Outer Banks, the foundation that maintains the form and strength of these islands. Take a little breather as these fall winds start blowing in. You certainly deserve it.