Outer Banks This Week Blog

Outer Banks information comes in many forms, but there’s no better way to learn it than through conversations with a local. The OuterBanksThisWeek.com blog is that local friend … even if you already live here! Every week, Molly Harrison gives the run down on Outer Banks activities, Outer Banks events, Outer Banks shopping – all the Outer Banks information needed to ensure that you have the best possible experience. And she does it in a conversational way that’s easy to read and entertaining. Outer Banks activities are numerous, and this blog gives you an insider’s scoop to help you plan your day. She leads you to all the Outer Banks events you won’t want to miss – sports, annual functions and holiday festivities. She gives you her input on the most exciting Outer Banks activities – the ones she loves, the ones she thinks you should love. If anything exciting or out-of-the-ordinary is happening during your visit – and there definitely will be something – this blog is your trusty guide to figuring out the whats, whens and wheres.

Nightlife, for example, is detailed here – what band is playing where, which scene is wild, which is chill. Festivals are also described – the ones that are old and loved and the ones that are new and anticipated. The amount of Outer Banks information offered here will keep you busy and in the know. You can find out what would be fun for you, your family or even your pets.

A fun touch of this blog is its conversational element. Hannah Lee always wants to hear from you! In fact, reader input can influence the basis of her next blog’s focus. So if there’s a topic or question you’re craving an answer for, let her know. Sit a spell and read through present and past OuterBanksThisWeek.com blogs. With all the Outer Banks information detailed for you, you’ll be the trusted source to all your friends!

Head Boats Fish the Ocean Too

By James Kahle | Tuesday, June 27, 2023
For the average family, an ocean fishing charter is a distant dream – private, luxury and expensive! Many people travel to the Outer Banks understanding its incredible maritime beauty, but few ever see it up close from the bow of a ship. While fishing on the Outer Banks is an amazing experience, expenses, party sizes... Read More

Get to Know a Local: Captain Jay Cudworth, Paradise Dolphin Cruises

By Molly Harrison | Tuesday, June 20, 2023
All across the Outer Banks are people doing their best to make a living while still finding time to enjoy this wonderful place they call home. In this edition of Get to Know a Local, you’ll meet one of them, Captain Jay Cudworth of Wanchese. All summer long, Cudworth operates the Kokomo for Paradise Dolphin Cruises,... Read More

An Outer Banks Summer Market Guide

By Molly Harrison | Thursday, June 15, 2023
The Outer Banks is a shopper’s paradise with so many incredible boutiques, shops, galleries, outfitters, grocers, bakeries and more for every want and need. Every town from Corolla to Ocracoke has an abundance of shopping opportunities whether you’re out buying necessities or browsing for fun stuff you didn’t even... Read More

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Outer Banks Scallywags Summer Baseball

By Molly Harrison | Wednesday, June 7, 2023
First off, did you know that summer baseball is back on the Outer Banks? (If you didn’t, you will have learned 11 new things after you read this blog instead of the 10 promised in the headline). The Outer Banks Scallywags, a rebrand from the Outer Banks Daredevils of years past, are playing four home games a week in... Read More

Rolling into June with Big Outer Banks Festivals and Events

By Molly Harrison | Wednesday, May 31, 2023
As the calendar rolls into June, the Outer Banks weather feels cool and springlike, but the events are rolling in like it’s full-blown summer. This weekend of the year always feels like the start of the season, the beginning of the big boom of visitors, and we definitely have the events to welcome them. Photo: The... Read More